Chennai: This year too, summer showers have failed Tamil Nadu. While a little bit of rain in the last few days have helped bring down the deficit to minus 31 per cent compared to minus 39 per cent recorded till last Wednesday, weathermen believe that the state might end up with 30 per cent deficit of pre-monsoon rains.
For the period starting March 1 to May 29, TN and Puducherry have received only 86.2 mm compared to normal cumulative rainfall of 124.1 mm. Last year, the state ended the summer season with 86.1 mm rainfall only. Weathermen say that there are possibilities of thundershowers in the northern districts for another two or three days.
“There was almost some rain in the state for the last five days. So the deficit level has come down. With just two more days to go, we might end the pre-monsoon with about minus 30 per cent rainfall in TN and Puducherry,” said Dr Y.E.A. Raj, deputy director general of meteorology, Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC), Chennai.
He pointed out that May month was comparatively better than the previous two months. “Summer rains show lot of variability. But for good rains between March 5 and 10, we did not receive any rainfall in March and April. Fortunately we received some rainfall everyday in May in TN,” he added.
For a 24-hour period ending 8.30 am on Wednesday, Ketti in Nilgiris district recorded the maximum rainfall of 5 cm in the state. Pennagaram in Dharmapuri district, Gudiyatham in Vellore district and Shoolagiri in Krishnagiri district registered 4 cm rainfall each.
“Even though the observatory in Nungambakkam did not register any rainfall, there was some amount of rainfall in the city,” said Dr Raj, adding that the airport town and nearby areas were cooled down by the showers in the Kathipara area, which led to drop in temperature levels.
While Meenambakkam recorded 38 degree Celsius, Nungambakkam temperature was on the higher side at 39.5 degree Celsius despite the setting of sea breeze at 1.35 pm on Wednesday. “We can expect the temperature levels to stay two degree Celsius above normal for a few more days,” he added.